Friday 19 October 2007

10 Things, Numbers 4-9

Number 4
He always does the washing up :)

Number 5
He never shy's from telling me "yes your bum does look big in that

Number 6
He brings me flowers home for no apparent reason

Number 7
He doesn't always let me win

Number 8
He sometimes lets me win

Number 9
This is how Lee proposed. After another rather drunken night (are you spotting a theme here) we were sat in the living room with some friends who had stayed over, when Lee turned to me and said

Him; "You're going to marry me one day"
Me; "F@*K off"
Him; No seriously
Me; Shut up, you're still pissed!

A few hours later, when the friends had headed home, he turned to me again

Him; "I meant what I said"
Me; "when"
Him; "earlier when I said you would marry me"
Me; "are you proposing?" (as you know from the "I love you" fiasco, it's best with Lee to make sure he's saying what you think he's saying)
Him; erm yeah
Me; "great, October ok for you, that gives us about 6 months to plan"
Him; erm, well...I ...erm. OK

The most romantic proposal a girl could have, don't you think?

p.s You might have noticed in the sidebar my Christmas and Woolfest challenges, if anyone would like to join in, let me know and I'll consider making a button or some such.


Blogger Unknown said...

Tattoo Boyfriend said to me drunk on vacation in front of people, "I want to marry you and give you babies!" I was like LIES! YOU ARE DRUNK! next morning all sober he said he really wanted to. I still think he lies.

Men are oh so romantic when drunk.

19 October 2007 at 03:59  

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