Finally, as promised here are some pictures of my recent efforts;

This is my work to date on Hubby's hoodie, I feel like I have been knitting this forever, which I suppose is what happens when you try to knit a mans jumper in 4 ply!!! He better like it when I finally finish!

And here is my first ever aran jumper; also taking forever, but at least I can see it growing!

My sock pal socks!!! The top pair are bamboo, and are the yummiest softest pair of socks I have. Both pairs are simply beautiful!

Tempting no? This was a weekend knit, and I love it. I replaced the ribbon with an I cord and button, but have ribbon too, for nights out. It's knit in Debbie bliss DK cotton, and I have to admit I'm contemplating a second.

And these are pics of the exhibition I went to yesterday. The war of the worlds piece is a tapestry, I can hardly believe that someone had that much skill and patience. It was a local exhibition organised by my LYS, and babylonglegs and I had great fun as I took my spinning wheel, and she her knitting, and everyone who came in came over for a chat. Viva the knitting! To top it off, everyone who went to the exhibition got 15% in the shop....I know have a silly amount of knitting to get through...Better get started!
This is my work to date on Hubby's hoodie, I feel like I have been knitting this forever, which I suppose is what happens when you try to knit a mans jumper in 4 ply!!! He better like it when I finally finish!
And here is my first ever aran jumper; also taking forever, but at least I can see it growing!
My sock pal socks!!! The top pair are bamboo, and are the yummiest softest pair of socks I have. Both pairs are simply beautiful!
And these are pics of the exhibition I went to yesterday. The war of the worlds piece is a tapestry, I can hardly believe that someone had that much skill and patience. It was a local exhibition organised by my LYS, and babylonglegs and I had great fun as I took my spinning wheel, and she her knitting, and everyone who came in came over for a chat. Viva the knitting! To top it off, everyone who went to the exhibition got 15% in the shop....I know have a silly amount of knitting to get through...Better get started!