Sunday, 9 September 2007

Still no pics

Ok, I know I said that there would be pictures today, but I started knitting Tempting yesterday afternoon, and just couldn't stop until it was finished. I've just added an I cord with button instead of the ribbon as in the pattern, as I wanted it to be a bit less frilly for day to day wear. I'm going to buy some ribbon this week though, so I can have it as evening wear too, and I think I might wear it to the Socktopus launch next Friday.

I wasn't going to start anything new this month as I have 2 long term WIP's that I'm not making as much progress with as I'd like, but I had a need to finish something that wasn't socks, and knew that this would be a really quick knit. I cast on about 2pm yesterday, and as hubby and I were having a lazy weekend round the house, I had loads of time o knit, in between a little bit of cleaning and sleeping.

The house is looking wonderful, and I can't believe how easy it is to keep tidy now that I've had a proper blitz. The 2 bedrooms have still to be done, which caused a lot of embarrassment when hubby came home Friday night, drunk, with friends in tow who were unexpectedly stopping the night (it was 3 am when they rolled in, so last minute tidying was out of the question). Hubby's version of cleaning the spare room was throwing everything off the bed in the spare room (where it had been temporarily stored) onto to the floor!

Well I have a night to myself tomorrow, and am determined to find the camera, charge it, and overwhelm you with pictured of all of my WIP's, latest FO's, and Sockapalooza socks.



Blogger Unknown said...

Oooooh I was looking at that pattern the other day and was thinking that it looks relatively simple.

Wouldn't suit me of course, but I like it.

9 September 2007 at 11:09  
Blogger Ang said...

That is a lovely pattern, I don't think I could cope with that much rib though!

Looking forward to these pics!

Oh and re: hubby bring guests home at 3am, I have soooooo been there!

9 September 2007 at 22:48  

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