I've been knitting!
I finally finished the dreaded second sleeve on hubby's jumper, and I've started some socks and a shawl too! I'm not up to my previous level of obsession, but I'm well on the way. Can we have a chorus of YIPPEE
Of course the rodents have been taking up a lot of time, not least because there seems to have been a population explosion, 3 has become 5. No they're not breeding, but we are "aquiring" more rats fairly reguarly, it's just a case of getting hubby to agree :)
This is Saga

Who is a little terror, and is learning lots of annoying tricks from the big girls already, and Hnoss

Who is too lazy to even get up for food!
The 2 babies together

And everyone snuggles in a rat pile

Now I know you didn't come to see pictures of rodents but aren't they beautiful. We are getting 3 more girls from a breeder in the summer, and may be taking on some boys in the next couple of months too....Who needs knitting when you have this lot scuttling about eh! I have even gone mad enough to consider changing the craft room into a rat room! luckily there is a smaller room that the rats have been able to have, so the craft room remains...for now!
Of course the rodents have been taking up a lot of time, not least because there seems to have been a population explosion, 3 has become 5. No they're not breeding, but we are "aquiring" more rats fairly reguarly, it's just a case of getting hubby to agree :)
This is Saga

Who is a little terror, and is learning lots of annoying tricks from the big girls already, and Hnoss

Who is too lazy to even get up for food!
The 2 babies together

And everyone snuggles in a rat pile

Now I know you didn't come to see pictures of rodents but aren't they beautiful. We are getting 3 more girls from a breeder in the summer, and may be taking on some boys in the next couple of months too....Who needs knitting when you have this lot scuttling about eh! I have even gone mad enough to consider changing the craft room into a rat room! luckily there is a smaller room that the rats have been able to have, so the craft room remains...for now!