Sunday, 22 July 2007

Busy Busy

I did think that I had quite an un-productive week, until I sat down to blog, and realised that I've done quite well.

I've finished one palooza sock;
It's actually a lot brighter then this, but I couldn't get the colour to come out right on the camera, It's a sort of grass green.

I've nearly finished a second palooza sock;This is the Cable down the back.

Ive started a baby blanket for a friend who's expecting in September;

I've died some Roving;

And I've finished spinning 100g of rainbow roving (about 50g done this week), and started on hubby's new jumper... I really thought I'd had an un-knitty week!

Hubby & I have also joined a re-enactment group this week, we went along on Wednesday and really enjoyed it, Hubby is going to learn to fight, and it has given me another excuse to look into spinning techniques that were used at the time. I don't want to go into too much detail until we've been a couple more times.

Not much time for blogging though...Harry potter is waiting.

Oh before I go though, the yarn eating moster has struck again, the 100g I finished this week, was going to be 200g, but it seems that 100g has disappeared! The plot thickens!


Blogger Ang said...

Oooooh you have been busy and it's all looking fantastic!

I'd love to join a re-enactment group, but the one at Pembroke Castle is full!
How interesting, you are going to learn how spinning was done in the past.

Damn that Yarn Eating Monster!!

24 July 2007 at 22:12  
Blogger BabyLongLegs said...

Those socks rock :)
You have a yarn eating monster? Eek...please don't give him directions to my house....
Can just see you all dolled up in a medieval dress spinning away.....forsooth LOL

Sarah xXx

26 July 2007 at 20:08  

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