More spinning
I must be feeling very spinny this week, I just seem to want to keep starting things. Instead of finishing my apple sourz spinning that I started last week, I decided instead to start on some BFL humbug top that i have had for ages, It was from Wingham I think.
There was about 160g, so I decided to do a 3 ply, using 2 plies of this, and a single ply of plain brown BFL I had.

I spun them long draw from the fold, and the resulting yarn was 10wpi, a lovely squooshy soft aran yarn
Which is now fast becoming this scarf for Lee.

I've also been doing a little spindling over the last couple of weeks, this is the Chameleon Colorworks BFL I bought at the socktopus opening, I'm about 25g in and it's (fingers crossed) going to be a self striping 2 ply laceweight.
(sorry the pic is sideways I have lost all patience with my computer by this point)
And finally the natural dye studio silk I finished spinning a couple of weeks ago, just because I haven't posted any pics of it anywhere yet

And the scarf it is being knitted into
I spun them long draw from the fold, and the resulting yarn was 10wpi, a lovely squooshy soft aran yarn
I've also been doing a little spindling over the last couple of weeks, this is the Chameleon Colorworks BFL I bought at the socktopus opening, I'm about 25g in and it's (fingers crossed) going to be a self striping 2 ply laceweight.
And finally the natural dye studio silk I finished spinning a couple of weeks ago, just because I haven't posted any pics of it anywhere yet
And the scarf it is being knitted into