Saturday, 24 May 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Last night was the first meeting of the Leicester Skeptics in the pub. A forum where people can go and, well, be skeptical. For the first meeting Simon, the organiser had arranged for Simon Sing, a BBC presenter and producer, and author of a number of books on an array of subjects from cosmology to alternative medicine, to speak. His talk was about the truth behind alternative medicine, based on the meta analysis of numerous studies, by his co-author Edzard Ernst, the first professor of alternative medicine in the UK.
The talk he gave was informative, witty and balanced. He acknowledged the scientific evidence that some therapies had areas in which they could be proven successful, for instance acupuncture seems to have some benefit for some types of pain, and chiropracty has some benefit for back problems, however he also showed that some forms of treatment simply overextend themselves, and yet others are nothing more then placebo effects.
I'm really looking forward to going to the second meeting next month, although the speaker isn't yet confirmed, and I know Hubby is looking forward to July's talk on "Mars Myths".
There are a number of Skeptics in the pub groups, you can see on their website, also Simon Singhs site has more about who he is and what he does. His book, Trick or treatment (which I bought and it looks fab) is available on Amazon.
The talk he gave was informative, witty and balanced. He acknowledged the scientific evidence that some therapies had areas in which they could be proven successful, for instance acupuncture seems to have some benefit for some types of pain, and chiropracty has some benefit for back problems, however he also showed that some forms of treatment simply overextend themselves, and yet others are nothing more then placebo effects.
I'm really looking forward to going to the second meeting next month, although the speaker isn't yet confirmed, and I know Hubby is looking forward to July's talk on "Mars Myths".
There are a number of Skeptics in the pub groups, you can see on their website, also Simon Singhs site has more about who he is and what he does. His book, Trick or treatment (which I bought and it looks fab) is available on Amazon.
The Joy of Freecycle
I love Freecycle, so I managed to get rid of so much stuff at the weekend, and picked up a book on Herbal remedies. This is my latest thing, I'm hoping that in future when Hubbyand i go walking, we will be able to pick herbs and plants that we can use to help us and the rats. Seriously, what otherplace can you get rid of all of your own rubbish, and be sure of finding someone elses rubbish that you really want, all for free! Did i mention I love freecycle!
Monday, 19 May 2008
Meet Elijha
Isn't he just the cutest thing! He is from a pattern by the fantastic Ysolda, who I met last week at MissMalice's and he was knit completely iin the round, in just a few hours. I started him for a friend who is due her first child in a couple of months, but Hubby has fallen in love with him, and doesn't want to let him go, so I may be knitting Elijha a brother very shortly

Saturday, 17 May 2008
So what have I been up to?
I finally got round to taking some picures of my recent knitting...the way this blog has been going lately you would be forgiven for thinking that it was no longer a knitting blog, well no fear, here it is;
This is some of the yarn I bought from the lovely Alice of socktopus fame last week, it's cherry tree hill, and is just perfect for these lovely swirly socks.

I also managed to get this knit up while I was at Alice's, It's Whisp from last years Knitty, and if I ever get round to adding some buttons, It will be fab!

And finally, these I have been working on for a few months now; A cabled jumper for Lee

And this lovely vintage tie neck jumper

Which with only 1 sleeve and the neck edging left to knit, I would really like to finish while it's still cold enough to wear.
This is some of the yarn I bought from the lovely Alice of socktopus fame last week, it's cherry tree hill, and is just perfect for these lovely swirly socks.

I also managed to get this knit up while I was at Alice's, It's Whisp from last years Knitty, and if I ever get round to adding some buttons, It will be fab!

And finally, these I have been working on for a few months now; A cabled jumper for Lee

And this lovely vintage tie neck jumper

Which with only 1 sleeve and the neck edging left to knit, I would really like to finish while it's still cold enough to wear.
Friday, 9 May 2008
New job
I've been out of action for quite a while of late, my job was really getting me down and I was so exhausted I really didn't feel like knitting, or blogging, or doing much of anything really. To make matters worse the desktop pc blew up, leaving just the laptop, which me and DH were constantly fighting over. Well I finally have a new job, and a new laptop, so I am hoping to get back into the habit of posting again soon. At some point this week I will try and upload some pictures of the bits and pieces I've been working on.