Saturday, 1 January 2000

Avalon Socks

Yarn: Cygnet wool rich
Needles: 2.5mm dpn's

There are 4 main rows to the pattern; ribbing row; *k1tbl, p1* repeat for 1.5" pattern: *p1, k1tbl* 7 times, p1 Pattern reverse *k1, p1tbl* 7 times k1

Cable: p1, slip next 5 stitches to cable needle, hold to back, *p1 k1tbl* twice. knit stitches from cable needle as follows; *p1, ktbl* twice p1

Cast on 60 stitches, work as follows

Ribbing row 10 times
Round 1-6; k44, Pattern
Round 7: k44, cable
Row 8 - 20 k44, pattern
Repeat rows 7-20 three times more

Heel flap
k37, place last 30 stitches knit on a stitch holder,
*k7, cable, k7
p7, pattern reverse, p7
k7 pattern reverse, k1
repeat last two rows 4 times more
p7, pattern reverse, p7*
repeat *to* once more
p7, pattern reverse, p7
k7, pattern, k7
repeat last two rows twice more
p7, pattern reverse, p7

Heel turn

k14, k2tog, sl1 turn
p1, p2tog sl1, turn
k2, k2tog, sl1, turn
p3, p3tog, sl1, turn
k4, k2tog, sl1, turn
continue in this manner until all stitches have been knitted,
k to last 2 st, k2tog (14 stitches on needle)

pick up 15 stitches up side of heel flap, k30 from stitch holder, pick up 15 stitches down side of heel flap, k7 stitches to center of heel, mark this as center of round. (74 stitches)

Gusset decreases
Round 1: k20, k2tog, k30, ssk, k20
Round 2: k51, k1tbl, k to end
Round 3: k19, k2tog, k30, ssk, k19
Round 4: k50, k1tbl, k to end
Row 5: k18, k2tog, k30, ssk, k18
Round 6: k49, k1tbl, k to end
row 7: k17, k2tog, k30, ssk, k17
Round 8: k48, k1tbl, k to end
row 9: k16, k2tog, k30, ssk, k16
Round 10: k47, k1tbl, k to end
Row 11: k15, k2tog, k30, ssk, k15
Round 12: k46, k1tbl, k to end
Row 13: k14 k2tog, k30, ssk, k14
Round 14: k45, k1tbl, k to end

K all rows until sock reaches ball of foot. Knit your favorite toe, or use this atanomically correct toe from persnickety knitter, or this plain toe



Blogger Unknown said...

I have just finished my pair and how lovely they are!

I did change the pattern a little, and am just copying my details over from Ravelry in case you have any non ravellers who land upon this page. It might be useful, it might not. *shrug*

For the cable row, I did the following:

Cable: p1, ktbl, p1, slip next 5 stitches to cable needle, hold to back, p1 k1tbl twice. knit stitches from cable needle as follows; p1, ktbl twice then knit from the normal needle as follows; p1, ktbl, p1

Throughout the pattern, I replaced all k44’s with k45’s.

Also, on the heel flap, instead of the following row:-

k7 pattern reverse, k1

I knitted k7, pattern reverse, k7

Actually, now I come to think of it, because I originally did k45 instead of k44, it was probably k8, pattern reverse and k6, but I forget.

I also added 2 more pattern repeats so the legs are a little longer (and slightly slouchier because of my fat legs).

I finished them off with anatomically correct toes from persnicketyknitter

25 August 2008 at 09:00  

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